Seton Hall Prep, inspired by the challenge of Catholic social teaching, strives to foster an individual and institutional commitment to social justice. Service opportunities are coordinated by
Mr. Vincent McMahon, the Director of Service Learning Programs, and are offered by many individual faculty members.
- Senior Service Requirement is directed by Mr. John Merklinger. Seniors focus on one particular principle of Catholic Social Teaching and perform 35 hours of service in this area. Service projects must be accompanied by periodic reports, journals and verbal reflections. Instructions for the senior service project can be found here.
- On-going opportunities for service include sandwich making and delivery for a local soup kitchen, tutoring of elementary school students and various food/clothing drives.
- Service trips are offered regularly and include building homes for Habitat for Humanity in Newark, Buffalo and Kentucky, visiting disabled school children and adults, nursing home trips and Special Olympics.
- Assembly guests are periodically invited to speak to students on social justice issues. A variety of topics include: death penalty abolition, environmental issues, workers’ rights, child labor, and respect for life.
- Social Justice conferences are offered periodically by the Archdiocese of Newark. “A Dream of Peace and Justice” includes workshops on topics such as gang violence, disabilities, AIDS, and poverty. The Respect Life Rally fosters respect for life at all stages. Students are given the opportunity to attend the March for Life in Washington.
- Tag Days are organized by the Service Learning Program on a monthly basis and are at times held in conjunction with visiting speakers. Proceeds go to a wide variety of non-profit, service organizations.