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Service Immersion Trips

About Service Immersion Trips at SHP

Service immersion trips provide students with the opportunity to engage directly with diverse communities, both locally and globally, allowing them to put their faith and values into action. Through hands-on service and cultural immersion, students gain a deeper understanding of social justice issues, develop empathy, and strengthen their commitment to serving others. These experiences not only enrich their academic and personal growth but also prepare them to be responsible, compassionate leaders in an increasingly interconnected world.
To learn more contact Clare Ettensohn at cettensohn@shp.org.

2024-2025 Trips

List of 3 items.

  • 11/23-27, 2024 - Bethlehem Farm (WV)

    Bethlehem Farm is a Catholic community in Appalachia that transforms lives through service in the local community and the teaching of sustainable practices.  Volunteers live the Gospel cornerstones of service, prayer, simplicity, and community.  During our time, we will: 1. Connect with the surrounding community through service, 2. pray together, 3. learn from the people of Appalachia, 4. and experience ways of practicing and living a sustainable lifestyle.  Teens will complete 24+ hours of community service.
    • Dates: Depart Saturday, November 23rd  – Return on Wednesday, November 27th
    • Attendance is required at mandatory preparation meeting date TBD
    • Service: Teens will complete 24+ hours of community service (primarily home repairs and farmwork)
    • Lodging: Bethlehem Farm - 572 Bethlehem Farm Lane, Alderson, WV
    • Age: Open to Juniors & Seniors
    • Cost: $150 -includes program registration fee, meals at the farm, lodging, & transportation
    • Additional Information: https://bethlehemfarm.net/
  • 1/23 - 1/26, 2025: Urban Service-Learning Challenge in Camden

    Each day we will volunteer with different community organizations engaging in direct service. In the evening, we reflect on our experience and learn more about the community we are serving. This retreat-like service program is run through The Romero Center at Saint Joseph's Pro Cathedral.  There is the potential to engage with other high school and university groups from across the country. 

    • Dates: 1/23 - 1/26 2025
    • Service: Teens will complete 16+ hours of community service at a variety of community organizations.  Possibilities include working with children, senior facilities, soup kitchens, & working with adults with developmental disabilities.
    • Lodging: The Romero Center at Saint Joseph's Pro Cathedral - 2907 Federal Street, Camden, NJ – This is a gated campus.
    • Age: Open to Juniors & Seniors
    • Cost: $75 - includes registration fee, meals, lodging & transportation.
    • Additional Information: https://www.romerocenter.org/
  • 6/ 21 – 28, 2025: The Center for Working Families in Quito, Ecuador

    is an apostolic work of the Society of Jesus that, through comprehensive and integral family programming, promotes the empowerment of the most vulnerable families throughout Quito by developing life plans and strengthening their abilities and skills.  Through direct service, teens will have the opportunity to get to know the Center’s mission in action, participate in community activities, and lend a helping hand during a minga.  Center facilitated home visits allow our students to ask questions, gain a deeper understanding of social justice issues, and develop empathy.  There will also be time to explore Quito and experience the Ecuadorian culture firsthand.
    Dates: Depart Saturday, June 21st   – Return on Saturday, June 28th
    Attendance is required at mandatory preparation meetings dates TBD
    Service: Teens will complete 40+ hours of community service – This will be primarily work on the Center’s Campus with children and will include a minga (a full day work party to repair a house in the community) and supervised home visits.
    Lodging: The Community House located inside the enclosed campus of the Center for Working Families in Quito, Ecuador
    Age: Open to Juniors & Seniors 
    Cost: Cost of this trip will vary depending on flight availability.  Estimated costs are about $2000 (before fundraising)
    Additional Information: https://www.c4wf.org/
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