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Mission Statement

Established in 1856, Seton Hall Preparatory School is a Catholic, college-preparatory school called to educate young men of diverse cultural and economic backgrounds. Firmly rooted in our Catholic identity and rich tradition, our mission is to foster the spiritual, intellectual, social and physical growth of our students. We do this in order to prepare them to meet the challenges of college and adulthood in a manner that embodies the values of spiritual awareness, academic excellence, personal maturity, and social responsibility with a particular emphasis on serving others.

Approved by the Board of Trustees, 2018

List of 3 items.

  • Graduate Profile

    As an academic community rooted in the Roman Catholic tradition, we have a shared commitment to provide the resources, environment, and programs to enable each of our students to graduate successfully from Seton Hall Prep.
    By success we mean that the graduate of Seton Hall Preparatory School will be well prepared for the challenges of college and adulthood because he will have developed into a mature young man who, responding to his own vocation, embodies the values that this community cherishes.

    1. He is deeply rooted in a knowledge of and appreciation for the Roman Catholic tradition. He is able to articulate fundamentals of the Catholic faith, is familiar with the truths of Scripture and Tradition, and respects the sacramental aspects of life, prayer, and nature.
    2. He is formed by the key principles of the social teaching of the Church, including a commitment to the dignity of every human person with a special concern for the poor and marginalized in society.
    3. He appreciates the challenges of the democratic tradition and pursues the common good in his position as a citizen of his local community, the nation, and the world.
    4. He works to achieve a more just society founded on the inherent and unconditional dignity of the human person. He recognizes his charge to promote mutual understanding and respect among all people.
    5. He values a diversity of philosophical, cultural, historical, aesthetic, and linguistic expressions, including those that differ from his own. He also values the insights of other faith communities, and seeks to promote harmony and mutual understanding.
    6. He is self-motivated in the pursuit of knowledge and the love of truth. He exercises personal integrity with reference to his work and his dealings with others.
    7. He accepts responsibility for his decisions at the personal, familial, and larger social level. He is confident and comfortable in social settings. He is committed to the ideal of a sound mind in a sound body, and makes life choices consistent with that ideal.
    8. He can articulate his own thoughts clearly in both oral and written forms.
    9. He is a critical thinker, capable of analysis, synthesis, and problem solving, working both independently and collaboratively. He is proficient using a variety of technologies to research, construct, and present his work.
    10. He appreciates a deeper sense of happiness which is compatible with setbacks in life.
    11. He knows and values the fundamentals of his personal development and health.
  • Philosophy

    Seton Hall Preparatory School is a Catholic, private secondary school established in 1856. In our service to young men of diverse cultural and economic backgrounds, we understand as central to this mission the development of all aspects of the human person: spiritual, intellectual, social and physical. We are inspired by the understanding of the human person that is envisioned in our Catholic tradition. While we welcome and are enriched by the presence of students and faculty of other faiths, we promote those values rooted in the Catholic faith which define the tradition of Christian Humanism, the belief that human beings can truly do good and form a just society, aided by grace. In this process we seek to work hand in hand with the families of our students, who sacrifice so much for their sons.

    In each area of student development, we strongly affirm the establishment of goals and standards. We approach this from two perspectives: the objective measurement of performance when appropriate and a more subjective evaluation, which takes into account such intangibles as effort, commitment, and creativity. We aspire to excellence on both levels.

    We recognize that each individual will pursue excellence in terms of his own abilities and limitations; at the same time we also recognize that he has the primary responsibility for the development of his talents. We believe that the development of self-discipline is essential to this task and to the challenge of living the values that this community cherishes. We also recognize that integrity and self-discipline must be fostered by all members of the community. Therefore, we believe that each student must be held accountable for his actions, and that any failure to live up to one’s responsibilities must entail consequences. This will prepare him for the realities of life and the challenges that he will face in the future.

    We embrace this philosophy and seek to implement it as we attempt to realize our ultimate aim: the development of mature young men who can think clearly and make informed value judgments, who can articulate their own thoughts and accurately interpret the thoughts of others, who can act responsibly with consideration for others and take their place as active members of a pluralistic society. He has the ability to recognize challenges, and through his creativity, intelligence, and determination, he perceives them as opportunities for growth and achievement. In so doing, he will have a healthy approach to the obstacles of life in the spirit of our motto, "Hazard Zet Forward."

    Recommended revisions with addition, Steering Committee, February 2018
  • Beliefs

    We, the members of the Seton Hall Preparatory School community, believe that:

    • There is an innate value to every person, regardless of any distinction, that deserves reverence and nurturing.
    • The sacredness and dignity of every individual flow from creation by God and are fulfilled in salvation through Jesus Christ.
    • The goal of a quality, value-based education is to actualize each individual’s potential.
    • Spiritual formation and growth is essential to intellectual, personal, and social maturity.
    • Education depends on the active involvement of the student.
    • Healthy self-actualization involves growth in a community.
    • Service to others both within and outside the school community is an essential element of a value-based education.
    • Membership in a community involves the acceptance of responsibility for the effects of one’s choices on that entire community.
    • Successful education is greatly enhanced by a partnership between the school and the family.
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