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Here's how it works...

  • You transfer cash, securities, or other appreciated property into a trust. The required minimum for this type of gift is typically $100,000.
  • The trust makes fixed annual payments to you or to beneficiaries that you name.
  • When the trust terminates, the remainder passes to Seton Hall Prep to be used as you have chosen.

  • Receive income for life or a term of years in return for your gift.
  • Receive an immediate income tax deduction for a portion of your contribution.
  • Pay no up front capital gains tax on appreciated assets you donate.
  • Use the trust to meet needs that are tied to a specific time frame, e.g. college tuition.
  • You can designate your gift toward any department, program or fund at SHP that you wish to support!
Monsignor Daly was a teacher, a counselor, and the Assistant Headmaster at Seton Hall Prep from 1946- 1967. He led the way by making a lasting impact on the lives and the future of countless young men. 

Members of The Msgr. William J. Daly ‘38 Planned Giving Society share a common vision of providing an exceptional catholic education to future generations of young men. Members thoughtfully choose to express their commitment to The Prep in their estate plans. 

Please allow us to thank you!

We would like to thank you for your generosity by including you in The Msgr. William J. Daly '38 Planned Giving Society, so if you have made provisions in your estate for a gift to Seton Hall Preparatory School, you can let us know in two ways:

  • Print and complete the PDF Version of our Estate Gift Confirmation Form, and return it to Seton Hall Prep by e-mail or mail at advancement@shp.org or by USPS to:
    Seton Hall Prep
    Attn: Msgr. Michael Kelly
    120 Northfield Avenue
    West Orange, NJ 07052

    If you are comfortable sharing any documentation of your estate gift, please include it with the form to enable us to more effectively steward your gift. The particular details that you provide on these forms, as well as any additional information that you choose share with us, will remain confidential.

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