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Seton Hall Prep is New Jersey’s oldest Catholic college preparatory school. The Prep's tradition is matched by its commitment to the education of young men by teaching them to think critically, communicate effectively and become contributing members of society.
We strive to ensure our students learn to think critically, communicate effectively, and appreciate diversity. The Prep is a truly special place where students are molded into men of character and faith, and are given the tools to become contributing members of society.
At Seton Hall Prep, our students are pushed to look at, think about, and respond to the changing world around them critically, effectively, and sincerely through four years of rigorous education. They learn to think of themselves, their communities, and their society broadly and deeply within our Catholic Mission.
At Seton Hall Prep, students participate in many of the amazing offerings available to them outside of the classroom. This includes 15 sports, more than 70 activities and clubs, a variety of intramurals and a seemingly endless number of service projects.
Educating the whole man includes teaching a true understanding of the importance of service and actually participating in the service of others in need.
Attending The Prep means a lifelong bond with your Alma Mater. Our Alumni network is 11,000+ strong and our Alumni Office is here for you. Please be sure to stay connected to The Prep so that we can better serve each other.
Your support of The Prep ensures that we carry on our rich tradition and storied history of providing an outstanding Catholic education to young men from all walks of life, and remain competitive with the best of America's college prep schools.
The newly renamed Health Task Force Team under the guidance of Headmaster Michael G. Gallo will continue to meet throughout the school year to discuss all health-related issues.
Dr. Michael Kelly, DO, the consultant to the West Orange Department of Health as well as many area high schools, will continue to serve as the medical consultant to SHP for the 2023-2024 school year.
Confirm a positive home test with an additional test taken 24 hours later. If the second test is negative, treat the symptoms of the illness (student must be fever free for 24 hours without the aid of fever reducing medication before returning to school) and contact the school nurse for guidance.
If the second test is positive, please keep your son home for 5 days using the following guidelines:
Day 1 is two days prior to either your son’s first test date or the first day of symptoms. Your son may return on Day 6 as long as he has been fever free for 24 hours without the aid of fever reducing medication and his symptoms have improved.
Masking on Days 6-10 is recommended but not mandatory. If your son has a cough or congestion, please have him wear a mask.
Please report your son’s absence using the SchoolPass app.
Yes. SHP has never stopped with daily cleaning of classrooms, bathrooms, and offices with recommended products.
We were one of the first schools in NJ to purchase the i-wavetechnology air purifying systems (installed during the Covid pandemic) in classrooms, offices and common areas. The Kelly Athletic Complex (KAC) Murray Field house is also covered with this system.