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Thomas R. Farley '44 Seton Scholars Program

Since 2007 the Thomas R. Farley '44 Seton Scholars program has been the academic home for incoming Prep students with the most potential for academic excellence and distinction, preparing them for admission to the most competitive colleges and universities in the nation. This scholarship program identifies a cohort of students who will embark on our most challenging curriculum opportunities, beginning the AP curriculum as Freshmen, pursuing an intensive testing and test preparation plan, and developing into individual exemplars of academic excellence, creativity, and integrity. Please see the “Seton Scholar College and University Acceptances” below. 
Program Highlights: 
  • Applicants who score in the top 5% on our Entrance Exam, who have demonstrated exemplary academic achievement in grammar or middle school, and who are willing to assume the mantle of leadership are invited to participate. 
  • All Seton Scholars are required to take AP Human Geography, Honors Physics or Honors Physical Science, High Honors Theology and High Honors English as Freshmen. They choose whether to take Band or Gym, a world language (Chinese H, Latin H, Spanish H, or Italian H), and the level of Honors Math appropriate for them. 
  • In Sophomore year, students are required to take AP World History, High Honors English and Theology, Honors Math, Language and Science. 
  • In Junior year, students begin to individualize their curricula, while all courses are taken at the Honors or AP levels.
  • By junior year, standardized test preparation and meetings with the Dean of Academics, School Counseling, and College Placement are aimed at fostering the Seton Scholars unique interests, deepening his approach to academics, and gaining the best college placement outcomes.

'21 - '24 Seton Scholar College & University Acceptances

Boston College

Boston University

Brandeis University

Brown University

Bucknell University
Colgate University
Colorado College

Columbia University

Cornell University

Dartmouth College
Duke University

Emory University

Georgetown University

Georgia Institute of Technology

Harvard University

Johns Hopkins University
Lafayette College

Lehigh University

McGill University

New York University

Northeastern University

Northwestern University

Princeton University
Tufts University

Tulane University

United States Military Academy

University of California-Berkeley

University of California-Los Angeles

University of Chicago

University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

University of Notre Dame

University of Pennsylvania

University of Richmond

University of Southern California

University of Virginia

Vanderbilt University

Vassar College

Villanova University

Wake Forest University

Washington & Lee University

Washington University in St. Louis

Wesleyan University

William & Mary

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